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Verband der ZVT-Host-Schnittstellen-Anwender e.V. 09. August 2017
Verband der ZVT-Host-Schnittstellen-Anwender e.V. (“ZVT-H”) manages and licenses the ZVT Host Interface Protocol, an interface between a PoS terminal and the host system of a PoS network operator.
The ZVT Host Interface Protocol formerly went under the name Poseidon® ZVT Protocol (Poseidon being a registered trademark of equensWorldline SE) and was issued by equensWorldline SE (formerly Worldline GmbH).
The protocol was outsourced to an independent association as the result of a package of commitments which Worldline offered the EU Competition Commission in the context of the merger with Equens and its subsidiary PaySquare. As the latter is a PoS network operator, it competes with other PoS network operators that use the ZVT Host Interface Protocol.
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Association members
- FirstData GmbH
- BP Europa SE
- Verifone Payments GmbH
- Nexi Germany GmbH
- Elavon Financial Services DAC
- HUTH Elektronik Systeme GmbH
- CCV Group B.V.
- Scheidt-Bachmann
- Paymenttools
- Pagateq
- Verifone GmbH
- WEAT Electronic Datenservice GmbH
- equensWorldline SE Germany
- epay – transact Elektronische Zahlungssysteme GmbH
- VR Payment GmbH
- Worldline Germany GmbH
- POSPartner GmbH
- PayTec AG
- card complete Service Bank AG
- ZahlungsWERK GmbH